The responsibility of owning a car does not stop once a motorist has decided which model he wants to drive, or what colour or which insurance company will give him the best deal.
The motoring public spends hundreds of millions of rand each year fixing their cars. They take pride in their wheels and want to know that they will always look good.
Whether they have decided to change the colour of the car, have had a fender bender or even a more serious accident, owners are taking more care in ensuring their cargoes to the best panel shop they or their insurance company can pay for.
They are starting to ask for Celette approved suppliers by name.
you are a panel shop, then Celette SA’s range of Spray Booths are worth considering. They are all fully imported from France and should definitely be your number one choice when replacing your old booth, or starting up a new panel shop. Having the Celette products means that your customers will become your best public relations officers, spreading the word on the excellent paint finishes your panel shop can achieve.

Celette SA has just launched the NEW ITALIAN DESIGNED Celette Italia 7200 x 4000 Spray Booth.
Italy is world-renowned for design, including the Colosseum in Rome. It is also home to a number of world-famous fashion houses including Armani, Gucci, Benetton, Versace and Prada, not to mention the lovingly crafted car brands such as Alfa Romeo, Lamborghini, Maserati and Ferrari.
So, if the Italians can design all of these brands, known, aspired to and trusted by millions around the world, then their recent design of the Italia 7200x 4000 Spray Booth should knock your socks off.
For more details contact Celette SA (Pty) Ltd on or call us on +27 (0) 11 334 1875