• Panel rest for window glasses and metal panels, adjustable height
  • Wall tool panel
  • Tool trolley
  • Service Trolley for preparation area
  • Large trolley to stow all parts dismantled from a vehicle before repair
  • Bumpers Rack
  • Double bumpers rack with castors, for the max 8 storage car bumpers
  • Allows you to fasten steel sheet panels of varying shapes and sizes
  • For securing and transporting sheet metal parts of various sizes and shapes
  • The 309C trolley allows you to firmly lock car rims and bonnets (using the appropriate systems) during the various processing stages. It can be used in all preparations, painting and drying operations. The 309C trolley is extremely compact, can be oriented in any position and runs perfectly on the painting booth grids.
  • Allows secure fastening of car covers and bumpers in very thin thickness
  • Door Service Trolley for fast, precise and easy replacement of heavy and cumbersome doors


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